International Symposium on Applied Structural Equation Modeling and Methodological Matters (SASEM) is an international conference committed to the discourse on the advancement and application of structural equation modeling and methodological development in social science research. It is a joint initiative by Sarawak Research Society (SRS) and mySEM committee led by Professor Ramayah Thurasamy. The first SASEM was held at Hilton Kuching, Malaysia in 2017, followed by the second SASEM at Novotel Melaka in 2019. Due to the pandemic crisis, the third SASEM in Bali in 2020 was cancelled. Nevertheless, it was later held virtually and attracted more than 1000 participants. The fourth SASEM in 2021 was also held virtually and it received much positive feedback from the participants thanks to the constructive comments given by the panellists to each and every presentation. The progress and success of SASEM is largely attributed to the unwavering support from Professor Christian Ringle and Professor Marko Sarstedt.  

It is with great delight that the conference co-chairs of PLS2022 have agreed to collaborate with mySEM committee on organizing the next SASEM. Hence the fifth SASEM will be held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 6-9 September 2022. Enclosed herewith is the Call for Papers for submission and presentation at the conference. In addition to empirical papers, conceptual and methods papers discussing methodological issues are welcomed. Papers submitted and presented in the SASEM session and PLS2022 will be given full consideration for publication in a special issue of Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling (please see Should you have any queries, please contact Associate Professor Mumtaz Ali Memon at [email protected]